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B-52's Air Strike A Success 3 RDANNUAL CONTEST IN THE CATSKILLS The sky was perfect and the pilots were pumped. As pilots arrived Friday morning, the chapter was ready and waiting. RON SPENCER, STEVE SEIDEL, MIRIAM LEVIN and KATHY JAFFEhad arrived a day early and set everything in place. MIRIAM did her usual fantastic job as Registrar. Pilots noted the ease of registration. Once registered and teched they met up with STEVE, who made sure everyone had a job. Next was a new comer to the contest scene, ALEX BELOV. Alex took on the job of scorer and really did an amazing job. He didn’t want to be stuck in a room, missing all the action, so he ended up brining his laptop computer out to the judges line and did the scoring right there. This eliminated much of the time wasted in running corrections back and forth, from the judges line to the terminal building. It also kept pilots away from being able to look over his shoulder to see what their scores were. LOIS ROSEcomplimented him on the fine job he did. RAY ROSEdid his usual amazing job of being Chief Judge and kept the categories rolling. RON SPENCER,took up his post again in charge of Starters. We had a fine crew to make sure that everyone was in their planes and ready to launch as soon as Ray gave the go ahead. This crew really did an amazing job of making the contest flow beautifully. The only big complaint over the weekend, was the fog/low cloud problem on Sunday. This led to having the Sportsman category split for the second flight. It was a tough decision to make, but there just wasn’t enough time to fly everyone. Our Unlimited category was of particular interest this year, as GUENTHER EICHHORN made a valiant attempt at bringing home the wood in his Pitts S2A. We were all pulling hard for him, but it just wasn’t in the cards for this particular contest. It was felt by all that if anyone could do an Unlimited flight in an S2A, it would be Guenther. Keep an eye on him at the Long Island Contest, when he will go for the gold again. We want to wish BILL SCONCE a speedy recovery. Bill was taken ill after a full day of judging on Saturday. What was at first thought to be a case of bad food, ended up being a gall bladder attack. He had surgery to correct the problem. All the best Bill. Last but not least was the banquet, where Contest Director KATHY JAFFEwas surprised with a birthday cake and presents from the chapter. KAREN SPENCERmade a delicious cake that miraculously fed the multitudes, after it was skillfully dissected by DR. WARREN ANDERSON. HARLEY CARNESmade the presentations to the very appreciative Kathy. All in all it was a very successful contest and hopefully we can do it again next year. The airport manager, town constable, mayor and even the legislator have made it very clear that we are to come back. It’s good to be wanted!
![]() The Contest Season is in full swing, and
Chapter 52 is
3RD ANNUAL CONTEST IN THE CATSKILLS KATHY JAFFE ,Contest Director, is in the final planning stages of getting our Sullivan County contest up and running. This year we once again have MIRIAM LEVIN working as the head Registrar , and STEVE SEIDEL as the Volunteer Coordinator. We bought Steve an extra large bull whip this year, to keep everyone on their toes. You will recognize him, mingling with the contestants. Heíll be the one in leather and spikes, with a big friendly smile on his face. Look for Ray and Lois Rose to keep the judges in order. Maybe he can remind some of the judges that itís OK to use big numbers…like 7 & 8. This contest looks like it could be quite large, weather permitting. Many folks from other Chapters have mentioned that they are coming. Letís make sure that we get a lot of support from our folks too. Wonít you all make it a point to come up to Monticello and have fun. Bring your families. It is a vacation area that is absolutely beautiful. |