There are no better words than Jason's own. Congratulations, Jason!
...yupper i'm a private pilot now!!..I took the check-ride in the Piper Clipper we own.....Now the story..hmm....It all started with an email to the man my dad had bought the Clipper from--....well i took the test Wednesday Dec 19th with Bob Broadwater....i took off did power on/off emergency engine failure..and a touch and go at Northeast philly...on the way to and from north east..i hit some snow showers!!!..but everything went well and i am now happy, relieved and excited for competition this 2008 season!!!..My instructor was Kevin Laufer from up at the Flying W..he was a huge part of my education in getting this done!! Kevin and i would fly almost every weekend to get this all done before xmas..and sure enough ..we DID!!...I had a week off from skool the 1st week in November..and i would fly up 2 the W everyday..and we would do a lesson or something of that sort...and he would send me on a cross country...i need 2 short and my real long cross country that week...!! My 1st xctry was to..Delaware...2nd was to easton pa...and my 3rd long xctry was to...georgetown delaware, than to summit than back to the W..all in that whole week...than one of those nights we did my xctry at night and radio work/VOR training....Kevin has thought me a lot in every section, and is on my dads side as well to keep pushing me towards the highest level of flying. So i'm now going to prepare for the Instrument rating. Thats a pretty well developed story....AND ADD THIS IN THE STORY..*** If it wasn't for my father and mother giving me all this airplanes at my finger tips and having a brother into just as much as my father...i would have no idea where i would be in life today...flying is a huge part of my life..and i enjoy every minute of flight...flyin formation with my brother, dad,,,any1..its just great to be a REAL pilot now...
The photos are from a photo shoot we had done be4 my brother joe moved to texas..and others are of the check ride yesterday
Click on a thumbnail to see an enlargement.